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Energy Recovery Coils

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Headers on both sides provide cross-counterflow that is almost perfect counter-current: Konvekta high performance energy recovery coils achieve very small temperature differences between air and fluid.

Konvekta high performance energy recovery coils are specially designed to achieve very high recovery efficiencies.

Our unique design has headers on both sides that create cross-counterflow that is almost perfect counter-current. This allows for the largest overlap in exit temperatures between fluid and air.

Each coil is custom designed, optimized, and manufactured for each specific project. Every coil is manufactured to the highest quality standards at the Konvekta factory in Switzerland and goes trough rigorous testing programs to meet certification standards.

Konvekta energy recovery coils, with 8 fins per inch and up to 22″ in coil-depth, are easy to clean with high-pressure water or steam.